
I am reframing the goals of this blog. For a long time I wanted to create content like 3Blue1Brown or Math3ma. Short and insightful. Most importantly something brand new. I new way to look at something. Something unique. But I have come to the realization that I am not capable of that. At least not yet. Also looking at the history of all the creators I admire, they have some terrible stuff under their belt....

December 19, 2023 · 1 min · Harsh Kumar


Mean and It’s Variants Book Recommendation I started reading the book Practical Statistics for Data Scientists. I had read the time series portion of it during a work project, and put it on my to read list. I am finally getting around to it and I am really enjoying it so far. If you need like a quick overview of a lot of stats ideas this is great. If you have seen stat/math like it and want a quick referesher/introduction than great....

September 12, 2022 · 1 min · Harsh Kumar

Cleaning conda package cache

Source: If you are anything like me you start multiple data science projects. To make things a little easier I make multiple conda environments. Conda does a decent job at reducing the space used my the packages[^symlinks]. But over time the conda folders can become boated. It’s a good idea to do this regularly. conda clean --yes --all The all flag clears packages, and tarball used in the installation process....

February 14, 2022 · 1 min · Harsh Kumar

Application Menu Shortcut KDE

Option 1: GUI Right click on the app launcher and select Edit Applications from the menu. This should launch a menu editor. Make the desired edits and save them. Option 2: Terminal The menu applications are stored in /usr/share/applications/. If you want to make an edit to an existing application, edit the file: application_NAME.desktop. You can search for it using: ls | grep 'search_term'.[^ripgep] Don’t forget to use sudo for editing the file....

February 14, 2022 · 1 min · Harsh Kumar

JupyterLab Python Environments

Adding Environments to JupyterLab Source: Activate the environment: conda activate my_env Install ipykernel in your environment. Using: pip install --user ipykernel conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel Run the following to add the current kernel1 to jupyterlab installation in base environment: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=udemy-data-science Removing Environments from JupyterLab Check the list using: jupyter kernelspec list Remove a kernel using: jupyter kernelspec uninstall myenv So don’t forget to activate the environment first....

February 14, 2022 · 1 min · Harsh Kumar