
  • Created by Rob Pike, Robert Griesmier, and Ken Thompson
    • other contributions include UNIX, Java’s JVM Hotspot, Strontalk, UTF8
  • Open-sourse
  • 2013: Gopher Academy; building community around Go.
    • Go discussion board (slack)
    • Gopher Academy blog
    • GopherCon
    • Go In Action


  • Began as blog
  • Member of founding team of Go
    • reviewed
    • suggested changes
    • shared expertise
  • Community effort ever scince

About the Book

  • Go is
    • simple
    • makes
      • simple
      • reliable and
      • efficient software
    • ides from existing languages
    • unique and simple
    • balances
      • low-level language features, and
      • high-level language features
  • Book
    • For intermediate level
    • Requires experince with programming
    • Goal
      • intensive
      • comprehensive
      • idiomatic
    • Focus on both
      • specification, around
      • implementation
    • Topics include:
      • syntax
      • type system
      • concurrency
      • channel
      • testing, etc
  • Overview:
    • Chapter 1
      • What is Go?
      • Why created?
      • What Go does
      • Intro to concurrency
      • theoretical intro
    • Chapter 2
      • walkthrough one program
      • practical intro
    • Chapter 3
      • packaging
      • How to set up Go workflow?
      • tooling
        • fetching
        • building code
    • Chapter 4
      • What are the built-in data types?
      • their implementation and mechanics
    • Chapter 5
      • What’s the type system?
      • How to structure and write complex software?
    • Chapter 6
      • What is
        • scheduler
        • concurrency
        • channels
      • Mechanics
    • Chapter 7
      • How to
        • use concurrency?
        • implement gorutine pools
        • pool reusable resources
    • Chapter 8
      • What’s in the standard library?
      • Deep into
        • log
        • json
        • io
    • Chapter 9
      • How to use
        • testing, and
        • benchmarking
      • Specifically how to
        • write unit and table tests and benchmarks
        • add examples to documentation
        • use examples as tests
  • Code

Overall, I like the style of the book. I am gonna give it a Go 😒