Python List Operations

If we start with a list

seq = [1,2,3,4]

then we have the following operations:

Python ExpressionResultsDescriptions
seq + [5,6,7,8][1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]Concatenation
seq * 4[1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]Repetition

Go 101

This is a continuation of my notes on learning Go.


  • From Go 101
  • Go has precisely 25 keywords:
    break     default      func    interface  select
    case      defer        go      map        struct
    chan      else         goto    package    switch
    const     fallthrough  if      range      type
    continue  for          import  return     var


  • Composed of Unicode letters, Unicode digits and _ (underscore)

  • Starts with a Unicode letter or _. (Not a number!)

  • Identifier _ is a special identifier, it is called blank identifier.

  • All names of types, variables, constants, labels, package names and package import names are identifiers.

    Exported identifierNon-exported/unexported identifier
    Starts with upper case letterDoes not start with upper case letter
    Kinda like publicKinda like private
    Shared between files in a packageLocal to usually a function or file
    Eg: Player_9, DoSomething, VERSION, Ĝo, Π_, _status, memStat, book, π, 一个类型, 변수
  • Some items that cannot be used as identifiers:

    Starting with a Unicode digit:1234, 2clear
    Containing disallowed Unicode charactera.b, *prime, $name,
    Keywordstype, range

Built-in Types

Boolean typebool
Integer numeric typesint8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, int, uint, and uintptr
Floating-point numeric typefloat32 and float64
Complex numeric typecomplex64 and complex128
string typestring
  • There are two built-in type aliases:
    1. byte: is an alias of uin8.
    2. rune: is an alias of int32.
  • The integer types whose names starting with a u are unsigned types.
  • The number in the name of a type means how many binary bits a value of the type will occupy in memory at run time.
  • The size of int and uint values are 4 on 32-bit architectures, and 8 on 64-bit architectures.
  • The size of uintptr value must be large enough to store the uninterpreted bits of any memory address. (I don’t understand this statement. How large can a memory address be?)
  • The real and imaginary parts of a complex64 value are both float32 values, and the real and imaginary parts of a complex128 value are both float64 values.
  • Zero value: Each built-in type has a zero/default value.
    Category of TypeZero Value
    Boolean typefalse
    Numeric types0 (might have different size in memory)
    String typeEmpty string