Learning Kotlin

Creating variables

Notes from: https://www.programiz.com/kotlin-programming/variable-types and

  • You can define variables dynamically:

    var firstname = "Harsh"
    var lastname = "Kumar"
    var age = 26
    var happiness = 0.1
  • You can specify the type:

    var firstname:String = "Harsh"
    var age:Int = 43
  • Kotlin variables can be declared in two ways:

    1. val: Immutable.
    2. var: Mutable.

Basic variable types


  • Numerical types: 6 built-in types

    1. Byte: values between -128 and 127
    2. Short: values between -32768 and 32767 (16-bit signed two’s complement integer).
    3. Int: values between $-2^{31}$ to $2^{31}-1$ (32-bit signed two’s complement integer).
    4. Long: values between $-2^{63}$ to $2^{63}-1$ (64-bit signed two’s complement integer).
    5. Float: (single-precision 32-bit floating point number) Float Diagram
    6. Double: (double-precision 64-bit floating point number) Double Diagram
      TypeSize(bits)Significant bitsExponent bitsDecimal digits
    • Operations:

      fun main() {
        println(1 + 2)
        println(2_500_000_000L - 1L)
        println(3.14 * 2.71)
        println(10.0 / 3)
        println(11 % 3)
        println(10.0 % 3)

      Gives the output:

      • Conversion: All number types support conversions to other types.
        • toByte(): Byte
        • toShort(): Short
        • toInt(): Int
        • toLong(): Long
        • toFloat(): Float
        • toDouble(): Double
        • toChar(): Char
      • Bitwise operations: They operate on the binary level directly with bits of the numbers’ representation. They can be applied only to Int and Long.
        • shl(bits) : signed shift left
        • shr(bits) : signed shift right
        • ushr(bits): unsigned shift right
        • and(bits): bitwise and
        • or(bits): bitwise or
        • xor(bits): bitwise xor
        • inv(): bitwise inversion
  • Char: Characters. Use single quotes around them: '1'.

    • Special characters: Start with a backslash:\t, \b, \n, \r, \', \", \\ and \$.
    • Unicode characters: Use escape sequence syntax: '\uFF00'.
  • Boolean: objects that can have two values: true and false.

    • Built-in boolean operations are
      1. ||: logical OR
      2. &&: logical AND
      3. !: logical NOT
    • || and && work lazily.
  • String: string is a sequence of characters in double quotes: "abcd 123".

    • Elements can be accessed via indexing operation: s[i]

    • Immutable.

    • Concatenated using the + operator: "abcd" + "xyz" or "abc" + 1. But remember that in most cases using string templates or raw strings is preferable to string concatenation.

    • Escaped string: may contain escaped characters; delimited by double quotes (")

      val s = "Hello, world!\n"
      • Raw string: can contain newlines and arbitrary text; delimited by triple quotes (""")

        val text = """
          for (c in "foo")
      • String templates: String literals may contain template expressions - pieces of code that are evaluated and whose results are concatenated into the string. Starts with a dollar sign ($) followed by a variable name or an expression in curly braces.

        val i = 10
        println("i = $i") // prints "i = 10"
        val s = "abc"
        println("$s.length is ${s.length}") // prints "abc.length is 3"
  • Arrays: To create an array, use the function arrayOf() and pass the item values to it: so arrayOf(1, 2, 3) creates an array [1, 2, 3]. The class has get and set functions, size property, and a few other useful member functions.

    • Count starts from 0 (like Python).

    • Arrays can contain strings:

      var ages = arrayOf(15,16,20,35)
    • You can update a list by simple reassignment:

      ages[2] = 18
    • ArrayList: Dynamic arrays. Can create an array without any elements.

      var name = ArrayList<String>()

      You can remove items by:

  • The basic datatypes don’t allow null values. To be able to use them, add a question mark (?) to the type. (From this beautiful article)

    val stars: Int? = null
    val name: String? = null

    Just remember Int and Int? are not the same type. Passing them incorrectly to a function might cause errors.

Taking Input

  • Take input from the user using the readLine() command. You get a string out of it. In order to convert it to Int use Integer.valueOf(readLine()).

Control statements

  • if-else is standard:

    if(age >18) {
        println("welcome to the app")
    }else {
        println("You are not allowed to use this app")
  • There is a when control statement:

    var isValid = false    //or true
    when(isValid) {
        false -> {
            println("Please verify your account")
        true -> {
            println("Welcome to the app")
        else -> {
            println("Invalid state")

Creating functions

  • Define functions using fun keyword.

    fun printHelloWorld{
        println("Hello world!")
    • For functions with arguments you have to specify the argument type.

      fun printHelloWorldName(name:String) {
          println("Hello world! "+ name)
    • For functions that return an output, you need to specify the output type as well.

      fun returnHelloWorldName(name:String):String {
          return "Hello world! " + name


  1. while loop
  • Bog standard:

    var count = 0
    while(count < 5) {
        println("Step: " + count)

    gives the output:

    Step: 0
    Step: 1
    Step: 2
    Step: 3
    Step: 4
  1. for loop


    for(count in 0..4) {
         println("Step: " + count)

    gives the same output as above.

  • A function to Loop through an array of strings:

    fun showNames(name:Array<String>) {
        for(item in name) {